10 things I’d tell my 25 year old self

When I started thinking about this question, I was actually little bit stumped. There were some that came to me immediately, but some weren't actually that obvious, and I had to think deeply about the person I was at that time, and who I am today.

And really, you don't remember, you can't remember who you were at 25. Because what are you at that age except a bunch of received ideas, the books you were lucky to find, the art that found you, and the environment you grew up in. You need time to mature and grow and think for yourself. But you are young and impatient, and cocky too. You think you know, but you don't. 

That's sort of the realisation you come to in your 30s: You never really know. Plus there's this theory I have, that those of us who come from small towns are 5 years behind our peers from the city in intellectual growth and ambition. So even at 25, I was only at the 20 year mark. 

These were the things I wish someone told me then.

  1. Don't confuse your knowledge for experience, and your intelligence for wisdom.

  2. Shut the hell up, listen to what people are saying, and speak slowly.

  3. There is always a different layer to every conversation. Look for it. Think: What does this person want?

  4. You know nothing about love or the female mind. Listen, actually listen, to the women who love you.

  5. The world requires a certain image of you at certain times. Give it to them. You don’t need to be your good, kind self to everyone.

  6. Don’t trust people immediately. Let them earn your friendship and your company.

  7. Give things more time. Jobs, relationships, friendships. Stick with things. Resilience will teach you a lot, and give you a lot.

  8. Travel more. You have the time and the means now. Go.

  9. Start working out. You love sport and the outdoors, you are just lazy.

  10. Buy that motorcycle you always wanted. Learn to drive a car. Wheels are freedom, let no one tell you any different.

On the way to work a couple of days ago, I actually thought of more, but didn't write them down immediately. I will add them to the list when they come back to me.